Dean Winchester
Winchester (formally Garbaj) was adopted from a rescue in February he
is about a year and a half old and we have had him for 10 months. He
only uses 3 of his legs because of a birth defect but that doesn't stop
him from running all over the place. Dean Winchester likes sitting on
the couch and watching tv, tormenting the dog, snuggling and sleeping in
the Christmas tree.
Dean Winchester's mom shared this with Elizabeth Lake Animal Rescue, the rescue that she adopted him from: Dean Winchester was an absolute ham on Christmas. He
was in everyone's laps, demanding to be pet. I tried to get a picture of
him and his kitty siblings but the girls wouldn't cooperate. He has gotten so big and
has done a complete 180 from when we first got him. He used to only want
to be around me and now he wants to be loved on by anybody who walks in
the house.